
作者: 时间:2019-09-05 点击数:


主要从事量子光学和量子信息领域的研究工作。以第一作者发表论文16篇,其中SCI收录6篇,CSCD(核心)2篇,CSCD(扩展)2篇。主持省厅级项目2项,主持池州市科技攻关项目1项;参加国家自然基金1项,省自然基金3项;主持省级重点教学研究项目1项。获池州市科技进步二等奖1项,获得实用新型专利2项。目前担任国际学术期刊《International Journal of Theoretical Physics》《International Journal of Modern Physics B》的审稿人。


1.Wei-Feng Wu,Hong-Yi Fan .Single-Mode Photon-Addition for the Two-Mode Squeezed State and its Statistical Properties[J].International Journal of Theoretical Physics,2017, 56(8):2651–2658

2.Wei-Feng Wu,Hong-Yi Fan .Thermo vacuum state for Gaussian-enhanced chaotic light[J].Modern Physics Letters B.2017,31(13):1750151

3.Wei-Feng Wu.Infinitive operator-sum representation for damping in a squeezed heat reservoir via the thermo entangled state approach [J].International Journal of Theoretical Physics,2016, 55(12):5062–5068

4.Wei-Feng Wu,Hong-Yi Fan .Energy distribution in quantized mesoscopic RLC electric circuit[J].Modern Physics Letters B.2016,30(24):1650321

5.Wei-Feng Wu,Hong-Yi Fan ,Classical Weyl-Wigner correspondence of optical field's phase operator[J].International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2016, 127(22):10875-10878


7.Wei-feng Wu . Analytical evolution of displaced thermal states for amplitude damping [J].Chinese Journal of Physics 2015,53(04):080002-1

8、吴卫锋,范洪义. 介观L-C电路中电容、电感和外源流突变所产生的量子压缩[J]. 量子电子学报2015,32(3)335-340

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